Victoria University’s sports engineering degree for sports robotics
The study of wearables and assistance technology has expanded rapidly in recent years. We reported on a Canadian university that was offering werables for sports
The study of wearables and assistance technology has expanded rapidly in recent years. We reported on a Canadian university that was offering werables for sports
There is no dought, wearables are up and coming. Some might even argue that it is already officially arrived. Wearables like other disruptive technologies require
The HoloLens is still considered one of the hottest and latest augmented reality systems to come out on the market. The Microsoft HoloLens runs windows
According to Wikipedia, fentanyl is an opioid used as a pain medication and together with other medications for anesthesia.[2] Fentanyl is also made illegally and used as a recreational drug, often mixed with heroin or cocaine.[4] It has