A Toronto startup company is banking on major changes in how Canadians will interact with the healthcare system. The majority of people are using personal devices such as smartphones and watches, the public has become more tech-savvy than ever. Why not take advantage of the rise of technology and apply it to other aspects of our lives. We spend hours and hours waiting in a doctor’s office to be seen by a doctor for a fraction of the time we waited. There might be a better way. Free healthcare is one of the best things the country of Canada has to offer but it is often associated with long wait times. Perhaps smart technology or a digital platform could help alleviate that by streamlining the process.

Felix Health Canada Inc, a Toronto based startup is doing just that. They are launching an online healthcare platform that could provide online diagnoses, prescriptions and delivery of medications for common lifestyle health issues like birth control, erectile dysfunction, acne and hair loss. Many of these do not actually require a visit to the doctor’s office. It might make more sense to do it over a digital platform. It might be a culture change for the older generation but once they see the benefits perhaps they will adapt as well.

What makes Felix unique compared to other platforms is that it does not require appointments. It doesn’t even really have to be a webchat with a doctor. It actually uses surveys that the users fills out and based on the results, it will provide a diagnosis. The survey sort of becomes the doctor. Trust might be a factor, but if the results are similar without the wait times and hassle, people might prefer it.

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