The internet has changed our lives. It all started with the US government in the 1960s conducting R&D which led to the linking of networks in the early 1990s. Since the introduction of smartphones and the reduction of the size of computer hardware, we now literally have the internet in the palm of our hands 24/7.
Where do we go from here? The internet enables us to connect, but what about a private internet? There are anonymous web browsers like TOR aka the Darknet. According to Wikipedia, the darknets which constitute the dark web include small, friend-to-friend, peer-to-peer networks, as well as large, popular networks like Tor, Freenet, and I2P, operated by public organizations and individuals. So there are ways to have subsets of the internet, or privacy on the internet.
Perhaps the next big thing is an internet dedicated to specific roles. Think of it as a private lane on the information highway.
That is exactly what we hope to see at CES 2018. FirstNet, from the U.S. First Responder Network Authority and AT&T, is a platform built for just public safety and people to help keep them safe and secure. ‘TOR’ and ‘I2P’ are data encryption systems that run on top of ‘the internet’. ‘FirstNet’ is something that is running on its own physical network that is distinct from ‘the net’. Therefore, if people (general public) are using up all the bandwidth it will not affect the Firstnet communications, which are working on their own frequency.
FirstNet will address these challenges with a single, secure, nationwide network running on a band of 700 Mhz spectrum dedicated to public safety and built to the same open, international standards of all LTE networks.
Canada is also working on something similar called, Public Safety Broadband Networks.
Public Safety Broadband Networks are secure high-speed wireless data communications networks. These can be used by emergency responders and public safety personnel to communicate with each other in emergency situations and during day-to-day operations, and hold the potential to improve the effectiveness and safety of first responders and the public safety community.
Read more about PSBN here:
This will change the way first responders do their jobs. A reliable and dedicated network that allows communication of critical information in emergency situations. With this network will come dedicated applications for first responders only. Kind of like a Google Play store or app store, but just for first responders. This could expand out to other network-enabled technologies: camera-equipped connected drones and robots; improved location services; wearable technology that could relay a patient’s biometric data. FirstNet is officially a nation-wide service, as all 50 states, two U.S. territories and Washington D.C. joined the public safety wireless broadband network.
Can’t wait to hear all about it from CES as FirstNet will debut the first Public Safety Track at the 2018 CES conference in Las Vegas, NV. CES starts on Jan 9th.
Read more about FirstNet here:
Watch a video about FirstNet here: